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Abortion is a sin, Stop for a minute and think, To you it seems like a win, Yet to another immense pain it brings. An innocent being abortion kills, Its right to life abortion steals, You might bleed to death or even fall ill, Not all doctors will always have the skill. Imagine the cry of the little being inside, Constantly pleading for a chance to decide, Your mother loved you and offered the gift of life, Why then the life of another being you subside? God bring us salvation, To our unborn we can have a relation, Give us the redemption, So that all beings can be part of this nation, Help us to address the confusion, That abortion is often a solution.


I am alone in hell, in a sea of frustration where am trying to sail. All my warmth, my laughter, my joy, my hope and being, All my strength, goodwill, and emotional dedication, Sucked by the savage eyes of this unforgiving beast. My heart like a football, Juggled, slammed to pieces and left shattered, Raining emotional death upon my grey world, my life. My pain raging like wild fire, consuming my walls as my life begins to fall apart, My innocent soul reaped, my mind controlled by her judgmental personality. I hold on to the pieces with tears rolling down my cheeks, She was a chance taker, heartbreaker, nothing more than a home wrecker, I was the first to fall but the last to know, Now I have a first class ticket to a night all alone. I now hit the slopes of Everest, a hunter with a new quest, Struggling hard to forget the past, my life should start on a new phase. Her memories I crushed and unto the wind I cast, Where they were blown into the land of my past.


 Preterm births are a leading cause of death in under five worldwide. World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as births that occur after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks of gestation. Preterm births can either be spontaneous or induced/ iatrogenic and afflict about 15 million children every year, one million or whom die. Bacterial infections are hypothesized to increase the risk of preterm labour and birth. However, bacterial species associated with such outcomes are poorly described.  REVIEW OF LITERATURE  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), preterm birth refers to any birth that occurs before 37 weeks of completed gestations, and is further divided into three levels (moderate or late preterm (32–<37 weeks), very preterm (28–<32 weeks), and extremely preterm (<28 weeks) based on gestation. It is a common occurrence globally with close to 15 million neonates thought to be afflicted (1). Of the 15 million cases, more than 84% of cases are moderate or late preterm,